ESX Legacy Support

13.99 EUR

Bester Kunde


Donated the most this week.

Letzte Käufer

  • Mr_Clown

  • Cornoxidus

  • _SchokoMinza


  • luisnort

  • Liglp99


If you need help with installation or have any questions about our products, feel free to join our Discord and create a Support Ticket.



Open Source Code


Der komplette Code ist offen und kann nach belieben angepasst werden. Interessierst du dich für ein Produkt und willst nicht selbst coden(oder kannst nicht coden), kauf die günstigere Verschlüsselte Version.


The complete code is open and can be customized as you like. If you are interested in a product and don't want to code yourself (or can't code), buy the cheaper encrypted version.

Cardealer [ESX]

9.99 EUR

yesESX 1.1
yesESX 1.2 - Code open, must be customized by yourself 
yesESX Legacy - Code open, must be customized by yourself 
yesQbCore - Code open, must be customized by yourself 